Frequently Asked Questions

Why do a Master Plan?

The Campus Master Plan will guide the development of NAU in the coming years. Decisions regarding the allocation of resources will be informed by this document and the strategic planning that has gone into its development. The Campus Master Plan is a realistic and feasible plan for the University based on the long-standing planning that has formed the campus character and physical environment. It shows the implementation and logical progression of the evolution of the University in the 21st century. This Campus Master Plan provides a framework for land use, open space, development, and circulation. Within this framework, the University will prepare and update capital outlay improvement and development plans for specifically identified projects.

Who is in charge of the Master Plan process?

The Master Plan is responsible to the University President and Executive Team and is guided by the Steering Committee.

What is included in the Master Plan?

The NAU Campus Master Plan will include:

  • An analysis of the existing campus conditions
  • Recommendations for proposed demolitions, renovations, and new buildings
  • Open space and circulation improvements that enhance campus experience
  • Sustainability and resiliency initiatives
  • Updated guidelines for campus architecture and landscape

Does the Master Plan include anything outside the borders of campus?

The NAU Campus Master Plan inlcudes physical spaces within the main campus borders of the Flagstaff campus, as well as the remote properties outside of Flagstaff and leased spaces.

How does the Master Plan benefit the campus and community?

The Master Plan provides a 10-year roadmap for how the campus will develop our land uses and reimagine our place. The plan provides for opportunities to continue to partner with the City of Flagstaff in addressing our physical and connected spaces.

How does the Master Plan address campus history?

The NAU Campus Master Plan will honor the planning and architectural history of the campus, and use the historical context as a framework for future development that serves the needs of today's students.

Who approves the Master Plan?

The Campus Master Plan is approved by the Arizona Board of Regents.

How can I be involved in the Master Plan process?

The campus master planning process is based on a series of interactive and intensive workshops. During each workshop, the planning team will engage members of the NAU community in dialogue, fact-finding, and decision-making. Each workshop spans multiple days and includes interview sessions, workshops, and open forums. Workshops are a blend of presenting ideas out to groups and listening to feedback to continuously evolve the plan’s development.

We want to hear from everyone, including faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, and the community. NAU is committed to providing an inclusive master planning process designed to engage the campus and the community. There will be multiple structured opportunities to provide input and feedback throughout the process.

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